I know, I know. I said I would be posting here more often. I'm having trouble finding the time I guess. But for those of you interested, I'll give you a little update about my life.

- I lost the Innovation Quest Competition, which put a small hold on Ideaius development. I've been working on it when I get a chance, which is another reason this blog isn't getting updated.
- I'm working at Adobe with the Dreamweaver Team again this summer. I've posted a picture of my commute above.
- I am going to PAX again this summer. Super psyched. I would post links to my co-conspirators, but they refuse to have websites...
- CalTrain still doesn't have WiFi. Booooo.
- I officially am renting a room in a house in SLO. To commemorate the occasion, I bought a Popcorn Hour. Totally Stoked.
- I'm starting to get the hand of JavaScript and AJAX. It's kinda neat, although my <3 still belongs to server side languages.
Anyway, I've got four Draft posts that may make it on to here at some point, and I'm trying to figure out a way to write on a train (maybe buy a light weight laptop?)