Thursday was kind of nuts.
In the morning I got in kind of late, but committed to two things next week: helping Steve learn about Go HTML templates and helping Kamal learn about prototyping websites quickly with CSS.
I went for a quick lunch and then went off for an interview at LittleBits. That went really well. It was supposed to be 30 minutes, and I ended up talking to people for a little over three hours (for personal record I talked to Josh, Joe and Jenny).
After that, I took a slow walk south from their office at 26th and 11th down to the Judd House at the corner of Spring and Mercer.
This place was utterly amazing. One of the most beautiful living spaces I have ever seen. Sadly there were no photos allowed inside, but I got some of the @onuniverse folks and @josephcohen whom I tagged along with to see this beautiful place.

Afterwards, we grab some beers and chatted. Then I went back to RC where some wine was drank, then a bunch of us grabbed delicious Indian food, and then more wine was drank.