
What's making me happy 2017-04-23

Ok, so I wrote this #happy post on Sunday, and then forgot to post it... like a fool. So here is what made me happy last week.

Wired talks a little about infrastructure in SF. This relates to Power Outages Coinciding in LA, New York, and San Francisco.

@sama is trying to create an ethics document for software devs. Hilariously that already exists.

What Happens When You Send a Zero-Day to a Bank? is just depressing.

Plastc swiped $9 million from backers and just completely vanished is a traditional startup story.

Histography is a cool art project on history.

The web’s best hidden gems has all kinds of cool stuff. I didn't have time to go through them all though.

Have a great week (or what's left of it...)!
