Sunday and Monday of the last week of RC. I spent a lot of time across both days building a new archive page. You can see the before and after shots:

The whole idea is to show streaks of days were I wrote every day. As you can see, most of my streaks so far are not very long. I also need to fix where it starts on January 1st, 2014, when I didn't start writing till late 2014. That or I need to finish my other TODO to merge with this blog.
Sunday, I had hoped to meet up with @dmpatierno and @lewei. But sadly fate would not allow it. They spent over an hour fighting trains and Pride and everything else, and we just couldn't end up in the same part of the city. Instead I played some Dominion.
Monday, I accepted an offer from LittleBits. This should be a lot of fun, although I'm a little nervous and a little excited. Just a little bit though (I hope the jokes don't get old too fast).
On Monday night, we had an Art Night at RC. I got back to sketching. One of my goals for RC was to sketch every day. That sadly didn't happen, but I have noticed I'm getting better. Unlike my writing and code, which I don't mind posting for you all to see my progress and successive failures, posting pictures of my horrible childlike sketches scares me to death. Maybe that can be a goal for 2016...