Ok, here's an attempt for me to get back to my weekly #happy posts. Will I succeed? Who knows!
- A note to young folks: download the things you love - look, I'm a data hoarder. So this isn't a surprising thing for me to share. But like the author, there's lots of culture from my youth I doubt I'll ever find again. While the author focuses on video, music and writing also disappear.
- Dreamy Soft Garage & House Mix at a Slumber Party | Fanny - Book Club Radio - I learned about this video and fantastic channel from the Norns Study Group Discord, and now I'm obsessed. The channel makes me feel old, but also reminds me of parties I went to while at Recurse Center.
- E-ink is so Retropunk. I agree.
- lines thread on permacomputing is a fun read.
- On Amazon EKS and Delivery Pipelines is a great deep dive on the many ways to deliver code to a Kubernetes cluster.
- How Korean Restaurants Remade Fine Dining in New York made me super hungry. Also just excited to see how fine dining is evolving in NYC. Also super interesting to think about how the Chinese restaurant establishment hasn't been able to capture the same level of excitement.
- Luton’s Kenilworth Road... A Premier League stadium like no other is absolutely fascinating. I had no idea there were Football stadiums like this.