
What's making me happy 2016-09-04

It's a beautiful Sunday here in Brooklyn, so it's time for another #happy post!

This tweet probably requires a bit of explanation as to why it makes me so happy. Robert Khoo is one of those people who inspires me. He recently decided to step down as the head of business at Penny Arcade, and this is a picture making fun of him for that, at the convention PAX which he helped found and create. His work at PA has greatly affected my life, but in ways I'm not sure I can describe. PA made me friends with @markgius and @madrox. It gave me some great road trips. It brought me closer to my cousin Becky. It showed me that you can truly make a company out of anything on the internet. All of this wouldn't have happened if @rkhoo hadn't run the business side of PA.

Speaking of people, Gene Wilder died this week. I really enjoyed Gene Wilder: Master Of The Comedic Pause showing his acting talents.

Also in people, Kanye deconstructed: the human voice as the ultimate instrument is a great look into Kanye's musical style.

On the Media did a nice episode bringing together some of my favorite segments on print media called Print Is Back, Back Again.

David Lynch on Where Great Ideas Come From is an inspiring video from The Atlantic.

And then there are two great full show videos from two of my favorite artists at festivals this summer:

Finally, two of my coworkers had things written about them this week:

Have a great week everyone!
